Youth of Holland
We are praying with several leaders in The Netherlands about initating a new initiative where we will work together and serve one another. When we came together with some national leaders from different youth ministries in Holland we shared our hearts to each other about our desire to see a fresh move of God’s spirit among the young people in our country.
God gave us two impressions.
First imprassion. It was about a stone thrown in the water with the effect of multiplication of circles in the water. The impression was: if we work in unity the effect and the turbulance in the water will be so much stronger, with an amazing effect.
One heart, one spirit,
one mission
We want to mobilize young people for active ministry in folowing Jesus. We believe that God wants to move among young people and that He wants to do new things in new ways, through our young people.
When we all come together around the light, Jesus, that’s where we will experience unity. If we consider the other to be higher than ourselves, we will come closer to Him and each other. It’s about Jesus.
God’s multicolor will be seen through and among us. In our diversity we will all reflect something from Him. Together it will become a multicolored expressiion of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Second impression. It was about 4 palm trees planted in a square. When a strong wind came, the trees did not move in the same direction, but it seemed that the wind came from all 4 corners of the earth. The effect was that the top of each tree moved towards the middle, the four tops of the trees bend towards each other. It was a picture of God’s spirit moving from the four corners of the earth, moving the hearts of leaders and ministries towards each other.
Freek & Angelique
God has called us for global ministry. With all our heart and all our love for Him we choose to walk in obedience to His call. We are able to do so because of partners that want to partner with us in the harvest and the call that Gods has on our lives. YWAM works with volunteers, this means that YWAM doesn't give a salary. Our ministry and all our mission trips are funded by those who partner with us in His call for us to reach the nations.
© 2017 Freek van Balen.